Membri acquatici (Aquatic Members)
Membri acquatici (Aquatic Members)
Venere con test (Venus with Test)
Venere con test (Venus with Test)
Sto arrivando! (I'm Coming)
Sto arrivando! (I'm Coming)
Obiettivi perdenti (Leaking Goals)
Obiettivi perdenti (Leaking Goals)
Pignatta Cesarea (C-section Piñata)
Pignatta Cesarea (C-section Piñata)
Torno presto (Back in Five)
Torno presto (Back in Five)
Meaning of the images
Membri acquatici (Aquatic Members): a river full of fish and a dove in flight, two universal symbols of fertility, represent the initial phase of motherhood: conception. Colorful, inflated condoms with added eyes evoke the male individual in the context of the expression "the sea is full of fish," simultaneously alluding to the male organ and seminal fluid.
The image highlights the uncertainty about motherhood caused by the fear of not having the right partner to build a family, while hesitating to end a romantic relationship.
Venere con test (Venus with Test): Thorvaldsen's "Venus with Apple" reinterpreted with a positive pregnancy test in place of the fruit and a tailor's tape surrounding her abdomen, emphasizing post-pregnancy transformations of the female body. Closely tied to the concept of motherhood and considered the undisputed ideal of beauty, this Venus explores the theme of aesthetics in a society that places great importance on appearance, often distorted by social media.
It illustrates the decision to forgo motherhood due to the fear that the body will undergo substantial changes, compromising its aesthetic and fulfilling perception.
Sto arrivando! (I'm Coming): an outdoor clothesline holds a pair of socks and a baby onesie with the inscription "Coming Soon," referencing the growing fetus nearing birth. On the grass, a piggy bank releases banknotes that take flight like little birds, contrasting with the literal meaning of the title suggesting something is coming, while the money soars away.
It represents the economic challenges associated with motherhood, often resulting in a life marked by sacrifices.
Obiettivi perdenti (Leaking Goals): a straw target is pierced by two arrows, perforating a fake placenta in the center, causing it to rupture and release liquid. Symbolically representing the breaking of waters, caused by the release of arrows symbolizing a hypothetical pursuit of success, with the target representing the goal to be achieved.
The photo speaks to the desire to achieve professional success while avoiding the risk of compromising it with the responsibility of motherhood.
Pignatta cesarea (C-section Piñata): a mannequin bust suspended from a tree like a piñata, with a tear in the abdomen releasing candies. The abdominal cut serves as a metaphor for the incision of a cesarean section, leading back to the actual moment of the baby's birth. The sweets symbolize the playful atmosphere of childhood.
It represents the sense of still being a "child," not ready to embrace motherhood, despite apparent chronological and fertile maturity.
Torno presto (Back in Five): an empty crib with the familiar sign often hung on the entrance doors of businesses, indicating that the responsible person will return later. The crib symbolizes the postpartum moment when the baby is finally in the world. The English phrase "Back in Five" does not specify a precise period; it could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or even centuries. It is indefinite, similar to a woman's decision to postpone the idea of conceiving a child, which may never happen.

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